
Strangely, despite recent events, I remain somewhat upbeat. (It could be that I am merely in denial of my dire situation, but I am riding that wave while it lasts!) I have decided that perhaps this is my opportunity to get back into the things that I truly care about.

I have always been at my most content whenever I am around horses. There is nothing more peacful than just sitting quietly and listening to horses chewing. The sense of connection you feel when a horse willingly works with you is indescribable! Over the years, I have truly found my “tribe” among other horse lovers. I have met and become friends with people that I would never have known if it weren’t for horses.

After losing my job last month, I decided to throw all caution to the wind and made my way to a riding event. It was the best thing I could have done for myself. For four days, I spent time around people that care about the same things I care about. Horses. Although it was part of a national competition, the welfare of the horses in our sport is always front and foremost. This is why I enjoy the DRASA rides so much.

Since December, I have been riding a youngster on loan to me. Despite our altercations with cows and deer, I have enjoyed riding this little horse immensely! For a youngster under saddle for less than six months, she managed stay sound for three concurrent days, in body and mind. Although she was quite frightened by the roaring ocean, she did manage to hold herself together and did absolutely everything I asked of her. She did the obstacles without hesitation and despite not being a horse that enjoys being faffed with, endured all the grooming and the vet checks for three days running. I cannot even begin to describe the joy and satisfaction that I experienced from that weekend.

To add to all the good feelings, I managed to spend time with strangers who have become friends. We shared laughter, joys and sorrows and had hot chocolate in our tents late at night. Only to get up before sunrise the next day to make sure the horses were watered, warm and fed. There is such a great sense of comraderie among all the riders and the competition almost falls by the wayside.

These beautiful images were captured by Libe Heyns

Horses have the potiential to be the the ulimate healers of body, mind sould. Which is why I have decided to try and share this with other people too.

Many years ago, I did the training and started up a small Equine Assisted Psychotherapy business. But my babies were small and time to breathe a new business into life was not something I had. So I took the “easy” way and just went back to fulltime employment. Since, this no longer seems to be an option, I shall now be kicking the old dream back into life!

So I introduce you to: Flutterby Equine Experiences

So please, check it out and share with your friends!

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